The Drill Rig Operator Practical Examinations demonstrate drill rig operation proficiency and are available for two drill rig types:
- Foundation Drill Rig (FDR)
- Anchor/Micropile Drill Rig (AMP)
A candidate must pass the Written Examinations (Core + Specialty) as well as the Practical Exam that corresponds with the written Specialty taken to be certified for a five-year period.
Candidates may take the Practical Examination on either or both of the drill rig types, provided they have passed/will pass the Written Examination for the corresponding designation within the 12-month time frame.
The Practical Examinations comprise tasks designed to assess the specific operating skills necessary for each type of drill rig operations. Foundation Drill Rig Operator skills tested include: inspecting the equipment, site safety protocols, identifying operational controls, picking up and laying down pipe, tool positioning, drilling, and safe shutdown/securing. Anchor/Micropile Drill Rig Operator skills tested include: inspecting the equipment, forward and reverse travel, vertical drill steel joint, angled and vertical drill steel placement, and safe shutdown/securing.
Flexible dates available.
Cost Per Practical Exam: $600
(NCCCO Candidate fee included; other expenses excluded)