CCO Drill Rig Operators Practical Exam

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CCO Training

In December 2018, the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) and the International Association for Foundation Drilling (ADSC) began assembling the top "Subject Matter Experts" to build a certification program for drilling rig operators. After 18 months, the result was the creation of written and practical exams for Foundation Drill Rig (FDR) and Anchor/Micropile Rig (AMP) machines. The ECA Training Center is the leading CCO FDR/AMP Practical Exam host site for operators to obtain their certification.

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ECA's Commitment to Safety & Excellence

The CCO Practical Exam is intended to improve safety for all foundation drill rig and anchor/micropile rig operators. This program was developed with the primary goal of improving the safety of all whose work brings them into contact with foundation and anchor/micropile drill rigs. This is an official CCO national certification. ECA is recognized by NCCCO as both a Training Facility and Exam Site or practical exams can be performed at your site.

About the Practical Examination

The Drill Rig Operator Practical Examinations demonstrate drill rig operation proficiency and are available for two drill rig types:

  • Foundation Drill Rig (FDR)
  • Anchor/Micropile Drill Rig (AMP)

A candidate must pass the Written Examinations (Core + Specialty) as well as the Practical Exam that corresponds with the written Specialty taken to be certified for a five-year period.

Candidates may take the Practical Examination on either or both of the drill rig types, provided they have passed/will pass the Written Examination for the corresponding designation within the 12-month time frame.

The Practical Examinations comprise tasks designed to assess the specific operating skills necessary for each type of drill rig operations. Foundation Drill Rig Operator skills tested include: inspecting the equipment, site safety protocols, identifying operational controls, picking up and laying down pipe, tool positioning, drilling, and safe shutdown/securing. Anchor/Micropile Drill Rig Operator skills tested include: inspecting the equipment, forward and reverse travel, vertical drill steel joint, angled and vertical drill steel placement, and safe shutdown/securing.

Flexible dates available.
Cost Per Practical Exam: $600

(NCCCO Candidate fee included; other expenses excluded)

Course Instructor

Joe Kinworthy

Service Manager

Register for CCO Practical Exam:

Please select the CCO Practical Exam you wish to take. Check both boxes if both exams are requested.